We were again awakened around 5 a.m. by the howlers who were right outside our window again. There is another trooop about a quarter of a mile away and they seem to wait until they hear the howl of the other troop before responding. I guess it's a way of saying "we're over here so you guys stay there". There are around 5 or 6 of them including 2 very young ones, an adolescent, parents and an old guy. They all seem to keep an eye on the young ones while they're playing and even the old one carries the young ones on his back when a big leap from tree to tree is required. I filmed them for quite a while and then went down on the ground to get them from beneath. Jo was also down there and all of a sudden without any warning they all peed at the same time. It was a regular shower and just missed Jo. This isn't the first time this has happened to her and the first time it happened they were a better shot. This was quickly followed up by a mass pooping of the troops which also missed the mark. They hung around for the better part of the morning in the trees surrounding our rooms. Some of these trees are almond and papaya so when they're not eating they're sleeping (or practicing their marksmanship). It's too bad they're such poor shots (well not for Jo I guess) as it would have made a memorable story and picture for the kids.
We headed into town for breakfast to our usual eatery where they have internet. They don't charge us anymore because we spend money there. After breakfast we walked to the post office and Jo picked up two aerograms so she can send letters to the kids. Problem is now we don't know if they include the postage or not.
We also picked up some fresh fruit at a roadside stand. You could smell the fruit from out on the street and it was enough to make your mouth water.
The afternoon was spent with Jo in the hammock and me in the water. After that I dozed for an hour or so in the hammock on the deck and killed a couple of rum & cokes and a stogie. We've also found that the r&c are good with a little orange juice mixed in.
Just before our supper (sandwiches) I went back to the store and picked up some more supplies (rum, coke, yogurt, and a pen for Jo who's burning up the pages with her journal).
She has been drafting an idea to write our story. Some of the titles were "77 days in Costa Rica" and "Pura Vida" which is the national slogan of Costa Rica meaning "Pure Life". I'm in favour of "Chicken Busses and Backpacks" so we'll see who wins. Your suggestions and comments are welcome.
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