We left the hotel around 9 a.m. and walked for a half an hour out of town to a 90 year old guys house called Mi Jardin y Su Jardin. My garden is your garden. It's free to walk in and the flowers were magnificent! Bougainvillea were everywhere as well as ponds full of Koi. We spent about an hour or so there and then headed back into town, crossed the river and headed up a road that paralleled the river. About a half an hour later we came to the fair grounds which we can see directly across the river from our balcony. It closed at noon and by this time it was 12:30. There was a lady there who let us in for $1.00 so we wandered around and checked out the flowers for a while.
Leaving there we headed further along the road which wound up the hill at a steep angle and encountered many switchbacks. In some places the road had collapsed into the valley far below us. Needless to say I got my butt over to the inside of the road. I can't imagine the people who live below the slide area as it's a very long way down!
We walked for about an hour and a half uphill until we came to a place with a great view of Boquete. The hike was made easier due to the constant mist and stiff wind that was coming from the clouds over the volcano even though we were in the sunshine for the most part. The wind at the top was really strong! No place for a panama hat as I had a hard time keeping my Cat's Ass hat on. Got a few shots there and then Jo climbed under a fence and borrowed some coffee beans. We now have enough to begin the Okanagan Coffee plantation. Gerry rip out your grapes.
We then headed back down which took us 45 minutes at a brisk walk. Altogether we were walking for 5 hours and covered about 5 miles. I'd better go for my medical checkup when I get back while I'm still so healthy.
Last night was our first time hooking up the skype with Lance and Maggies computer. After a little fiddling we were able to see them which was a real treat! We also talked to Gerry who's now officially retired. (again).
The wind howled again for most of the night but it didn't seem as cold. It doesn't take very long to warm up in the morning though.
Today (Sunday) we're going to check out a waterfall that's a few miles out of town. Like I need the exercise.