We were awakened this morning around 5 a.m. by a combination of roosters (some must have missed the soup) and howler monkeys. We've been hearing the monkeys every day but they were some distance away. This morning it was obvious they were getting closer. Well while we were eating our breakfast on the balcony they appeared in the tree right over our heads. Two of them crossed the roof and from the kitchen window you could see their fingers gripping the roof edge less than 3 feet away. They continued heading east through the tree tops. There were about 5 of them including two babies. About an hour later they came back and rested in the tree about 20' from our deck for a while. Got some good shots.
I had mentioned to Jim that I'd tried to buy some stamps yesterday for souvenirs but the guy didn't seem to understand what I wanted so Jim called him and explained it to him so he's got some ready for me. Guess we'll head into town and pick them up. I have some from Nicaragua and Panama as well as a few coins from each country. Jim also brought us up some coffee he just ground from Tanzania and blended with Costa Rican coffee. Can't wait to try it out.
Went for a swim this afternoon while Jo hammocked. Can't believe how warm this water is. I snorkelled this morning for over an hour down at the East end of the beach. Water is very clear and the reef is mostly rock and quite shallow. Saw two puffer fish but couldn't catch them w/o having fins. I swam back towards our place and Jo was following on the beach. Then it happened! She couldn't see me (I was a long way out) and she saw a school of fish jumping out of the water. She thought they were eating me or something and ran for help. The first person she came to was the mngr of the first place we stayed at and he told her to go and get one of the fisherman down the beach. In the meantime an ambulance was heading down the beach with his lights flashing but she couldn't catch it (thank god). By the time I got to shore I couldn't see Jo so I walked back to where I'd gone in an hour before. There she was climbing out of a fishing boat. I'll let her add her version to this story.
So here it is...actually, that's just about exactly the way it happened. I was checking every two minutes or so, keeping an eye on Al's whereabouts. When I lost track of him, but saw another diver in wet suit and yellow with black fins in the same area, diving in and out the water... I was certain Al was in trouble and this fellow was trying to rescue him. The diver actually stood up at one point and then dove back down in a hurry. Then I saw what looked like a fish or a few fish jumping along the water. Well...you can imagine...I thought Al had been attacked and was being carried away in pieces. I was so grateful when I saw Al walking down the beach toward the fishing boat I was in (to go rescue him) that the young fisherman was probably paid a full day's wages as a reward for wanting to help. (10,000 colones = $20.00) It took me the rest of the day to "snap-out-of-it." JO
Tonight we were going out for supper to the internet place but it's closed on Tuesdays so we went back to the beach to a place called "Shake Joe's". This place is really neat. They've got burl tables out on the beach under the palms and instead of chairs beside most of the tables they've got what look to be beds but about half the length. Like a wide ychesterfield with a headboard. They're complete with a cover and pillows for your "whatever pleasure". I'll have to get some more pics of this. They've even got an outside pool table. We ordered a burger each and a beer and when we finished the lady at the next table was sitting there with her mac out. (her computer). We asked her if they had wireless and they did, so nothing do but order another beer and get on line. Our total bill for two burgers with fries and three beers came to 4600 calones. That's about $9.00. Geez and free internet as well. We'll have to hit this place again and it's even closer than the old wifi place and right on the water. The tide was high again tonight and coming into the tables while we were eating. The surfers were having a ball.