On January 8th Jo and I will begin our adventure! We fly from Kelowna to Seattle, to L.A. and then a redeye to San Jose the capital of Costa Rica. Arriving on the 9th at 7 a.m. we will spend the first night at a B&B in Alajuela which is situated close to the airport. The following day we will catch the bus to Playa del Sol on the West coast where we are booked in for 7 nights. After that we're off & running.
The biggest question prior to leaving is what do we take? We need to travel light but still don't want to forget anything. The first priority for me is my laptop, all the connections, and my camera with all it's connections. This blog intended to be a photo journal of the 2 1/2 month trip. There are 5 provinces in Costa Rica and we hope to spend about a week in each one. That will leave us with 5 weeks to return to our favorite places. It's our hope to include a short stint in Nicaragua and possibly Panama.
To begin to prepare, we've borrowed backpacks from Paul and Dana, got books from Amazon.ca, got a housesitter, got the taxes ready for processing, rec'd our shots and prescriptions, and made a halfhearted attempt to pick up some Espanol. Guess we'll have to wing that part and rely on our book "How to Get By and Be Easily Understood".
Yeah right. The Tico's better be more patient than I am. We purchased some great books on C.R. (where to stay, what to see, how to travel, etc.) but how can we take them all plus the necessities? We're hoping to have a backpack each plus one large one that we can keep in San Jose containing everything we can't carry.
I've found that Facebook is the easiest to download pictures to so I'm hoping to be able to use that and provide a link on here to access it. We'll see how that goes.
For now it's http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=680056043&k=S4B34WVSP5TF6G1DWDVUU&r&v=2