Another beautiful day. We went for breakfast at 7 a.m. and then returned to the cabina to collect the packs. By the time we got back to Oscars he was all ready to roll. He brought his daughter Yisebeth along and off we went to Nasara, Samara and finally to Carillo. We hadn't gone more than a couple of miles when we came to a river. I asked Oscar
"are you going across that?" Reminded Jo and I of the Kia commercial. It's a good thing it was a diesel. Unfortunately the windows were so dirty I couldn't get a good shot of our wake! Altogether we crossed about 4 rivers. On one of them we started into the water and then stopped as another 4x4 crossed right behind us only went in a different path. It looked like we were heading to a bottomless pit so Oscar wheeled it over to follow the wake of the last guy.
People were out watering the road to keep the dust down and when another oncoming vehicle passed us it was up w/ the windows. There was no back window in our 4x4 so the packs got pretty dirty. When we came to Nasara, Oscar took us on the scenic route around town and past the airport. It was a pretty little place although all the roads were still dirt. We also passed a couple of log mills. We also to know what the trees were that we'd been seeing that were planted in rows. We had thought they were some kind of fruit tree but they grow straight with few branches and are use for constructing houses as the wood is very hard and very straight. They use these like we'd use 4x4 or joists.
It was beautiful country and Oscar was very obliging when it came to taking pictures. When we finally arrived at Carillo Jo had an address for a nice place to stay but they were booked solid w/ fishermen. This is the best time of year for sport fishing. Fortunately for us Oscar was there as he took us back to our current place the Guanamar where the president Oscar Arius stays when he's in town. This is like the Ritz so we'll only be here for the one night. We've gone from $16/night to $135 (but we get breakfast) A very beautiful place. We've since lined up a place down the street for $25 a night so after breakfast we'll go and check it out. I think we'll stay in town here until Thursday and then on to Camaranol for a few days. Took another few hundred pics today and a bunch as the sun went down. We sat on one of the decks and had a couple of cervaza's while that happened. Hope you like the pictures. The place down the street where we had lunch and supper has internet so we're good to go for a while. Our supper consisted of a large plate of pasta for Jo and I had bistak which is beefsteak to gringos. It was rice, beans, avocado, salad, tomatoes, and a good steak Total cost $13. Beer there is $1.75 a bottle.
After lunch and updating the blog & facebook we went to the beach. It's extremely beautiful and I had a ball in the surf. Water temp has to be at least 95. Met a couple from Calif. who bought a 3 bedroom place here. They offered us a ride up North but been there, done that. That's it for tonight. Tomorrow is a blog,facebook beach day