We made our own breakfast today consisting of granola, yogurt, bananas, pineapple and watermelon and then went and joined up with Claude and his wife Nicole for coffee. On the way back we stopped at another internet cafe and had a coffee while I tried to get on line. Yahoo it worked and it was free. Two hours later we headed back to the hotel. I was able to get skype working and called Lance and Maggie but no one was home. Next I called Paul and Dana and Dana was there. It seemed to work good but we'll need to get a mike and an earset. Not bad for .02 a minute! I bought $10.00 worth of time which should last a long time so we'll see how that goes. Should have done that a long time ago. It will also be handy on the boat this summer.
We're pretty low on cash and the banks were closed today (sunday) so we'll hit them tomorrow and get some U.S. money as we'll only be here for tomorrow leaving on Tues. at 7:30 a.m. for San Jose. Then it's off to Panama and changing our money again, this time to Balboa's. The money here is in Cordoba's and in Costa Rica it's Colones. Here in Nicaragua you get 575 cordoba's for $100.00. In Costa Rica it's about 500 to a $1.00. Either way if you do the math that's a helluva pile of bills that aren't worth much. The guys at the border had stacks like 4 or 5" of bills they were willing to exchange for Colones or U.S. dollars. We stayed with the bank. The cost to leave the country is $2.00 and the bus is $15 each. It also means another few hours messing around with the immigration/customs guys.
We had pizza for supper tonight. I had a medium and Jo had a small for $8.00 which left us with about $4.00 in our money. We don't want any Nicaraguan money left over except what I'm bringing home for my album and that's why we'll be getting U.S. dollars at the bank tomorrow.
Only took a few pics today mostly of a bullet pocked wall down the street. Must have been a real blood bath here at one time.