Well we got up for breakfast at 7 a.m. and sorted out our bags in order to lighten the loads in the backpacks. We ate our "free breakfast" which was very good but it was Continental which was coffee and fruit. We then asked for eggs and found out when we checked out that that was extra. No biggy but didn't know. We then packed our three bags down the road for a few hundred feet and checked into the Waldorf of Carillo for $15 a night. A queen size bed and a single, ceiling fan, and private bathroom. Not bad for a place to hang our hats and keep our bags. It's right across the street from the Onda Latino where we've been eating and having cervasa's in the afternoon. They also have free internet so I spent the afternoon updating things. After we checked into this place we headed for the beach and spent several hours basking and walking. Left there about noon and went to the soda for beer and Jo had a great fruit salad. Don't know how they carved the apple like they did but it was a work of art.
After about a 1/2 hour siesta we went to the zoo where a lady took us on a tour of her backyard, rehab, zoo and bromeliads. It was great and we were able to get into the cage with the kinkajou.. What a great little creature. It was very tame and liked to lick the salt off of us. She also let the anteater out and he proceeded to find termites and ants. It also is quite tame. A very informative lady and her English was also pretty good.
After the zoo we headed back to Onda Latino for supper. Both of us had bifstak which I'd had last night. We're eating a way too healthy for me. Salad, guacamole, beef steak, fried plantain, beans and rice. I'll have the body of a Greek God by the time I get home instead of the body of a god damn greek!
Small world..... as we were walking down the road to the beach this morning a lady in a 4x4 pulled up and rolled down the passenger window. She looked at Jo and said "you look like Marion" (Jo's sister from Hawaii). She'd met Marion while she was visiting Jim and Patty down here and Patty had told her via email that we were in the neighborhood.
We chatted for a while and hopefully we'll meet her again.
Well that's about it for today. Full moon tonight. If all goes well we'll see two more.