We cleared out of David this morning at about 9 a.m. (or what we thought was 9 a.m.) Turns out there was a clock at the bus station that told us we were out by an hour as it was closer to 10.
We boarded the old school bus for the one hour drive to Boquete. I think it cost $1.50 each. The drive was mostly uphill all the way and the bus stopped wherever anyone wanted to board it. At one point it pulled over under a orange or lemon tree and as it pulled away a branch flew in the upper half of the windows. As it passed me I was treated with some fresh fruit that got knocked off. We disembarked at the town square which is only two blocks from where we'd made reservations so it was no hike to get here. The place is beautiful! Our room is close to the river which passes by our balcony. There are flowers everywhere and the river flows at quite a clip. It's also cooler (in the 70's) and very windy. We went for a walk after settling in. Lots of art and souvenir shops. We also saw some huge cactii. Stopping for lunch we had a great meal of a B.L.T on pumpernickle bread. We then found a wireless internet about a block away which is free. Tied the skype but no one was around. We also bought a 26'er of rum for $7.50! Yeehaw. I've died and gone to heaven. Beer is $1.00 a bottle.
When we got back to the room I turned on the mac to download the days pictures and lo and behold we've got free wireless here! Now I can have a cold one while I type.
Tomorrow we're going to a coffee plantation (so I can boost some coffee beans to bring home). Then maybe a hike up the hill across the river. We've also heard there's a bus that will take us near a waterfall which we want to see and it's only a 4 km. walk downhill to get back. That's it for today. This is THE place!
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