A rest day. We had breakfast and then went to the bank to get enough U.S. to get us to Panama. We also went to the farmacia to get Jo some more antihistamine and then went looking for the post office. Bought a set of stamps for the Nic. album and we have a few of their coins to be included as well. We also went to a new internet called the Garden Cafe which was wireless and free! Brought the blog and facebook up to date and then tried out Skype again. Talked to Lance, Tony, and Jo's mom and her sister in Hawaii. I'm going to like this cheap calling. We talked for over an hour and think we used just over $1.00. I had hoped to catch up with Lance again around 3 pm to see how the Skype computer to computer worked but the two wireless internet places were both closed by 3. Bummer.
We have to be at the bus station tomorrow by 7:30 a.m. which leaves at 8 for the 10 hour trip to San Jose. Two of those will be messing around at the border I imagine. We're using the transnica busline for the first time so we'll see how that goes. At least we have reserved seats. If the bus isn't full maybe we can put our packs on another seat instead of on our laps.
We also picked up 3 sandwiches to tide us over until we reach S.J. Jo sent the B&B there an email to reserve a room for us. This is the same place we've stayed twice before. Hopefully they get it as it's close to the other bus station we need to get to Panama. I think that may be a long trip to and so far we don't have a place to stay down there so we may have to wing it.
There are some street entertainers here every night. One is dressed like an 8' tall lady and a little guy dressed llike a dwarf man. They're accompanied by two small kids who can really beat out a tune on their drums. I got a video of them the first night and was hoping to get a photo tonight before we leave but wouldn't you know it, they're not out today for the first time.
Well that's a wrap from Nicaragua.
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