Slept in this morning until 7:30. Jo had a good night so the antihistamine did it's job. We had breakfast at a waffle house. 3 egg omelette with ham and cheese for me so I can get the cholesteral back up. Jo had a huge waffle and managed to eat it all. We joined our neighbours from Quebec and after that they were going to Masaya to the market so we joined in. It was about a half hour bus trip and then we walked for a mile or so. We came to an old fort which had a craft market so we spent some time in there. Lots of neat stuff and they will haggle with you but we didn't buy anything (most of it is too heavy to carry). We then walked another half an hour to the real market. Gag a rat! It was all enclosed so no breeze. A million shoe stores, & stifling hot. Then came the good part. The fish (fresh?) . Geez even the flies were staying away. It had to be 95 degrees in there and these fish were about to be cremated! We got out of there pretty damn quick. We then backtracked to where we caught the bus. Neat bus. Two seats on one side & one on the other and when they were full they folded down a 4 seat to fill up the aisle. The person at the back invariably needed to get off first so everyone on the aisle seats had to find a place to crawl while they folded up the seats and made for the door. The drivers helper stood in the open door as we sped along hollering to pedestrians that there was still room for one more. When we passed a bus he'd lean out and wave at the other bus driver and at one point he nearly had his head taken off by the other busses rear view mirror! He didn't see it coming because he was looking back. I figured what was coming and started to get my camera out but he spoiled my day. This would have been a picture for the Enquirer too!
We got off the bus early and walked to the bus ticket office and got two tickets back to San Jose for Tues. morning. We'll spend a night there and then jump a bus for David in Panama and spend some time there. There's lots of history here in Granada but how much history can one person take. I've got enough trouble remembering the '50s let alone going back to the 1500's. This place is full of churches but most of them are pretty run down. Jo went up to the bell tower in one of them and got some good shots. Too damn high for me. That was a sure nosebleed.
I did get a good shot of a horse pulling a cart with a refrigerator on it. The fridge weighed more than the horse! Also some good shots of ladies carrying loads of fruit on there heads in a high wind. No action there either.
We picked up a dozen beer on the way back and made a good dent in those before going across the street for supper. I had a footlong hot dog that probably was what it was. Jo was more conservative and had a BLT. Jo just read this and steamed her glasses up. Something to do with my poetic license I think . We came back here for another beer and I ran a slide show for our neighbours of the wildlife (animals) that I've taken pictures of.
Tomorrow maybe we can find an internet. I say that every day but something always comes up which is a good thing as I'm getting an education which is a helluva lot more than I got when I was younger. (Teachers always misunderstood me). Well I'm all typed out so that's a wrap.
Al Cotton
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