We ate breakfast around 7 a.m. at the Guanacaste Hotel where we boarded the Central bus to Nicaragua. About 2 hours later we arrived at the border and traffic was lined up for a long way and that was just to get out of the country. We took our visas and paperwork and walked ahead to the immigration office and got in line. About a half an hour later we had our passports stamped and reboarded the bus which took us about a mile where we again disembarked this time with our bags and went to the customs office. We were 2nd in line as we had our packs with us. After waiting for about a half an hour a customs guy showed up and he had a button to push similar to those in Mexico. Green light you vamoose and red light assume the position. Jo and I got a green light which didn't make much difference as we went back to the bus only to have to wait outside for the busdriver to bring our passports back. He'd gone off to get them stamped. He finally showed up and we were able to board again and take our packs off. Lots of beggars in the bus station.
This was a great bus compared to what we're used to. Air conditioning, music (50's rock) and reserved seating. The driver was inside a windowed compartment and the whole front of the bus was blocked off with curtains that prevented us from seeing where we were going. Then a door was closed and locked so we were captives. As we left the bus station we were told to close all the curtains. The drivers helper came through minutes later and I asked him if we could open them. He said sure. Don't know what thaat was all about but at least we could see out the side.
The scenery was very flat farmland and the highway was paved (it's the Pan American Hwy.) Off in the distance we could see some very high volcano's and Lake Nicaraguea which is the largest lake (and polluted) in Central America. The whole trip took about 5 hours but at least two of those were spent at the border. No problems just bloody slow and disorganized.
We got off the bus at the bus station in Granada. We hadn't heard back as to whether we had reservations or not so we hoofed it forever to the hotel only to be told that there was no vacancy and that theyd changed their email address and don't check the one we used. We got the address out of a 2007 book on Central America. I think he was handing us a crock but all of a sudden he remembered a room w/ air and tv for $30/night. When I told him we had wanted to stay for a week a single cheaper room became available tomorrow for $13 a night. We'll move into it tomorrow.
This place is right in the heart of Granada which is very picturesque. Lots of old buildings and churches and quite close to the water where we can catch a ferry to head up the lake in a few days. The streets are cobblestone and there are lots of horse drawn carts. buggies, hotels and bars. We went to the bank and got $100 worth of cordobas. Not sure how long that will last but it will get us going. On the way back we found a place that claims to have wireless. We'll get back to that. We then went for supper across from the hotel at a place with an open window facing the street. We each had a cheeseburg and several beers for $13.00 or 2800 cordobas. These burgers were huge and mine came with jalepino peppers. I was going to order a double as we hadn't eaten since breakfast until I saw that a double was a pound of meat! The single was a half a pound and was very good even if it was dog meat. It also came with cole slaw and home made potato chips.
Lots of homeless and very poor people but the town is relatively clean compared to what we viewed on the way here from the bus. I'm sure we will be able to spend several days here. Great place to take pictures.
We checked out the internet place after supper but couldn't get the mac to work. It didn't even show a signal although the kid running the place had internet access with his blackberry. That was our day. Good to be off with the packs and the shoes. Tomorrow we'll scout around. It's too bad it so hard to get pics from a moving bus as we saw lots of scenery plus a huge truck full of bananas with the guys sitting on top of the load going along for the ride. The temp here is in the high 80's and the country is very dry although the humidity is quite high. Nice breeze off the lake which by the way is home to the worlds only fresh/saltwater sharks. We won't be swimming though as it's supposed to be very polluted.
Last night I took a picture of the full moon from our balcony but didn't find out until today that shortly after I took the picture there was an eclipse. Jo's fast asleep already and it's 7:30. That's what backpacking does to you. I sweat off another few pounds walking here. Should have taken a cab but didn't realize how far it was. Good exercise anyway.
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