Well we had breakfast about 7:30 and sat with our friends Ellen (I'd been calling her Helen) and Casey. They left today to head South. When I first went outside this morning I was looking around and spotted what appeared to be something in a nearby tree. The binoculars proved it to be a garrobo lizard about 2' long. If you check out the pics on facebook you'll see where I was when I first saw it and the other picture is a zoomed version. That's the beauty of having a 15x optical.
We then struck out for the beach and went South and walked for quite a long way. We reached a beautiful inlet but couldn't safely make it down to the sandy beach. The last 1/4 mile was over rocks that were quite sharp (ankle breakers if your wearing bifocals). It was difficult to get into the water due to the surge and rocks but Jo found a nice little tidal pool that was replenished about every other wave. It was full of small fish. Some resembled fresh water pencil fish (yellow w/ black stripes) and the others I've seen in salt water aquariums and I think they were blue damselfish. After every surge the water calmed down and they came out for a bite.
We finally headed back to a sandy beach for a snorkel but it was poor visiblity. I missed a great shot of a bunch of black vultures that seemed to be following us. I think they were making bets that I wouldn't make it to a bar. I also got a shot of several frigate birds. We saw flocks of brown pelicans that were in a Canada goose formation. We haven't seen many pelicans so far.
As we approached Coco beach the first thing we came to was La Vida Loca. It didn't take a mental giant to realize this was a watering hole. Dos Imperials por favor!!!! Ok make it quatro at $2.00 each what the hell.
Leaving there we came to the Golden Gate Bridge which is a loose board, shakey thing that crosses over the famous Costa Rica Septic River which you've probably all heard about. This was a single lane, take your chances bridge that led us to the main hub of Coco Beach. We found the bus depot, the cop shop and a great souvenir place that had some beautiful paintings and woodwork. It also had some great stuff for the kids but with a long way to go yet we skipped the souvenir part. We also found that the chicken bus leaves at 8 a.m. every day. We'd be hard pressed to get from here to there by 8 a.m so I think the plan will be when we leave here is to find a flophouse close to the bus station and spend a night there and then head out the next day to San Jose or rather Escazu where an acquaintance of Jo's has an office where we'll drop off our 3rd bag which is now empty and fill it with whatever we won't need to carry inland. We can pick it up on our way back to the coast.
Trucking back along the beach a lady asked us to take a family photo for them before they left tomorrow. Turns out they're from Kelowna. The Kamloops drunks from last night are gone today. Probably checked into rehab after drinking beer out of bongs all night.
We got home, had a beer and a wrap and then headed down the beach again to see the howler monkeys which get vocal in the morning and evening. Well they must have had a helluva day cause they were all in the sack by the time we got there.
It was a beautiful night. About 80 degrees with a little breeze. We sat outside the room and had a rum & coke (Jo made me finish it as there was only a "little" left. Now it's time to start downloading and typing. Jo's doing her journal. It's 8:30 and we're pretty beat so it will be an early night and hopefully we can wake up the apes tomorrow morning. I've never seen a real live wild monkey so it's pretty high on my list. The camera batteries are charging so we should be good to go.
I'll add the link to todays pics momentarily. I hope someone out there is reading this. Stay tuned if you are
I love getting up every morning and taking a little tour with you two! It's great to see you both look so happy and relaxed. Sooooo many adventures yet to come. See you at the Chicken bus stop......
Sounds and looks like you guys are having a great time. We too enjoy looking at all of the pictures. The weather back home is doing some strange things - my pneumonia is hanging on strong and I'm off work - Evan just went up to bed because he is now sick. So STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND USE THE FULL 77 DAYS!
Wow! You two will not only be fit on your return in March but ahead in tanning. careful with the water.
I am keeping a watch on your travels so thanks for all the notes.It makes both of you not really that far away.Ciao D&D Treiber
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