Well the day began at 7:30. We had a great breakfast again at the main bldg. of french toast, and a bowl of fruit with juice and coffee. We met up with Casey and Helen who had offered to drive us to Lynn and Annes place at the Papagay bay Hilton which is an all inclusive place about 16 km. from here ($40 taxi ride). We'd had a hard time hookinng up with them but Lynn called this morning and talked to Jo so we got their room number. Lynn was waiting for us at the office when we arrived and got us squared away with the front desk. (for $65 ea and get out by 5 pm) Casey had agreed to come back for us at 5. We walked down the path to the pool area where Anne was waiting for us and then we went into the lounge I guess you'd call it for drinks (everything was free from here on in). YOu name it they had it for booze. We just started w/ beer and then went by the color. Good stuff and a cute little waitress that could have kept me drinking forever. Around noon we went to the unit they had which was a short walk away. They have small golf cart type things that will take you anywhere but we walked and Anne drove. They had a great place that was removed from the boisterous pool area where the gringos were in the pool w/ some Tico trying to kick their way into fitness. Like they had to be half cut just to even think about it.
I've slackened off on my training so remained drinking. By the time I was about half full and had two cheeseburgs into me to keep my cholestoral up where it should be Jo went for a dip. I acted as lifeguard and continued drinking to rehydrate which is very important down here.
Around 4:30 we called one of the little carts to haul us back up to the top of the hill. First we went to the very top so we could see the view and take a couplw of pictures. Then it was back to the reception area where Casey and Helen were waiting for us.
We came back and had a quick drink by the pool and then went into the spaghetti place where we'd tried to go last night. We had a great meal there (some kind of European pig for Casey and I and the girls had pasta.) Mary Ramona the owner who we'd met last night sat with us for a while and entertained us with a lot of laughs. Mary if you read this correct me if I'm wrong but my limited Italian tells me that Ramona means "romance, anywhere, anytime." Great place and she's got rooms for rent to. You can find her in Fodors book for alcoholics in Costa Rica under Pato Loco which translates into "What the Duck?" or something like that.
That pretty much sums up our day other than while waiting for Helen to go for supper we were entertained by a bunch of crazy buggers from Kamloops who had made a beer bong and were trying to set a world record for drinking two beers. I think they had it down to two seconds. I suggested they get a longer hose and hold it over the upstairs railing so they'd get more gravity working for them (and probably blow a hole through their internal organs). Well that's it folks. Stay tuned
The link for todays pics is http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=25512&l=2a5ff&id=680056043
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