We headed down to the other end of the beach this morning. The tide was a long way out due to the nearly full moon and there were pieces of coral littering the beach. In places the beach had to be 200' wide. We stopped in Samara on the way back and checked our email. Nothing but junk. We then headed over to the grocery store and picked up some coke, water and limes. Next door is a coffee shop so Jo had her fix and I had a coke. On the way back to the beach we stopped at a small bakery and while waiting outside I noticed they had a sign wi fi. Yahoo and it's fairly close to where we're moving to tomorrow and it's free. The other place we went to were charging $3.00 an hour! Crooks.
This place we're in is nice but so full of Germans I feel like I'm in Hogans Heroes and Klinks are everywhere. I guess we should have guessed that with a name like Kunterbunt Cabinas. Really looking forward to the place tomorrow as it's a beautiful two rooms overlooking the ocean and the mngr/owner Jim seems like a pretty nice guy and speaks English. It comes complete with two fans, hammocks, a fridge, and a safe in the room so I can lock up the mac when we leave. It's also about 10 minutes closer to downtown so we can bring groceries back to the room and keep them cold without having to share a fridge with Col. Klinks buddies and a bunch of dirty dishes.
We watched another beautiful sunset tonight and I'm not sure we'll be able to see it from the new place. It clouded over this afternoon but it was still stifling hot. It doesn't start to cool off until 4 p.m. when a bit of a breeze comes up. We should get more from our new balcony as this one is at right angles to the ocean.
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