Went into town about 8:30 to get stamps but they're closed until Monday. We'd been awakened by two huge blasts which we've heard several times since and in volleys of two. Probably some kind of fireworks as they like to make sure people are up and about. We then picked up a couple of cd's so I can burn an album for Jim our landlord. When we got back I took care of the cd which he really appreciated and played it off and on all day. I hit the beach at 10 a.m. for 2 1/2 hours and got nicely toasted and then retired to the hammock where I listened to one of my audio books. Jo spent some hammock time down by the beach and got caught up on some sewing and journalism.
Tone invited Jim, Jo and I for supper in the yard for 6 p.m. which is just after dark. She made lentil soup, with blue cheese, and fresh bread backed up by a bottle of Chilean Red. Jo brought a plateful of cut up fruit, and I took a bottle of rum and some coke. We even had a white table cloth (part of Jo's sewing stuff) and a candle. About 8:30 we called it a wrap just as it began to shower. The power had gone off while we were eating but it was quite nice as there was a bonfire on the beach next door where they were burning all the leaves and palm branches they'd raked up during the day making the place ready for the owners over Easter.
This is the third sign of rain since we've been here and it only lasted for about 20 minutes. It was nice to sit out on our balcony under the wide roof and listen to it bouncing off the tin roofs. (Every roof down here is corrugated tin).
We turned in around 9 which is late for Jo, and I began to pay the price for not spraying my feet with Deet. The no see ums but sure feel ums had been eating me while I was enjoying supper. I finally dozed off after several hours of an extreme itch. Fortunately the itch disappears by morning.
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