Monday, March 10, 2008

Costa Rica day 60 Mar. 8

Same old today. Beached it until it got too hot and then retired to the hammocks with a couple of rum & cokes. The water was calmer today so I put on the mask and snorkel and ventured in for an hour. Not a lot to see although the water was quite clear. Turned in early. We'd left the giant grasshopper on a shelf over the kitchen counter. Bad idea! Jo got up shortly after retiring for a drink of water, turned on the kitchen light and lo and behold every huge ant for the surrounding 3 miles was trying to steal our prize! It started out as a small squeal that quickly turned into a "Al, get out here!" I've never seen so many ants in one place and these guys were big! Out came the bug repellant and pretty soon they scattered everywhere. On the floor, walls, counter, some even headed for a swim in the sink. There were so many we had to sweep them out the door. There was enough repellant in the kitchen to have killed us all by morning. No doubt the ones that did escape must have had a helluva hangover this morning. That done we returned to bed. Then I started to tell Jo some ant stories. How they were probably army ants that eat everything in their path and now the grasshopper was gone (in a ziplock in the freezer) and they couldn't open the fridge door, that we were probably next on their menu. Closing the bedroom door wouldn't work because they'd chew through the wall. The good news was they work in shifts. A day shift and a night shift. We may still be partially alive by morning and they'd be full by then but then the day shift would come on and they'd be real hungry. I think Jo scratched all night. A great bedtime story.

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