We had our granola and yogurt for breakfast and then headed down the street to the bus station. The bus showed up right on time at 9 a.m. and off we went towards Manzanilla. We got off after about 15 minutes at the botanical gardens which was a short walk from the drop off point. The bus driver advised us when we got close to the "entrada panducci". That spelling is probably all wrong but it means the entrance to the sweet bread I think.
We had read that it opened at 10:00 a.m. but when we got there it said closed on Tues. through Thurs. We waited by the gate until 10 watching the multitude of birds and then Jo got someone's attention. He went and got the owner who asked us to come back tomorrow. We explained we couldn't so he let us in, where he gave us a map of the grounds and the propagation area. The path was about a km. long and most of the trees etc. were well marked. He also told us there are lots of toucans and that to find them you listen for cricketlike sounds coming out of the trees. He also pointed out a poison dart frog right at our feet. We later some many of them. Bright red and about an inch long. We saw all kinds of exotic trees along with fruit, spice and medicinal ones. It was a seed collecting frenzy for a while. We saw star fruit which we've tasted, pepper, vanilla, lime, and pomegranate. Also, on a huge rotting tree we came across three large centipedes. We saw a few toucans but I was only able to get a picture of one which I've zoomed on the computer. Beautiful birds with many colors. We spent three hours there before heading back to the bus stop on the dirt road. This was right across from the beach so it was cool and within site of Puerto Veijho which was just down the road.
I took about 150 pictures plus what Jo took so we downloaded them when we got back. The total number of pics so far is around 3500 which is about 100 a day. For supper we went just across the street. Jo had chicken and rice which was cooked in coconut juice. I had a cheeseburger which was good. The bun wasn't toasted, the hamburger was about the size of a looney and it came with ham which down here is the processed minced stuff you get in the packages. I'd have thought real ham would be abundant down here but haven't seen any yet (or pigs either for that matter).
Jo managed to reach Lance and Maggie tonight. We only got to talk to Maggie and Bella but seems like she still remembers us. It was good to hear their voices. I think we're out of time on the phone card and most of the pay phones down here don't work. We'll pick another card up next time we go to the mercado.
Tomorrow if it's nice we'll go snorkelling. The water is still murky from the rain and high waves of the last couple of days. You have to go with a guide ($) as they don't want you collecting which I can't blame them.
It's 8:10 now and nearly time for lights out. It gets blacker than Toby's ass by 6 pm. Looks like we'll stay here for at least another three days as it's cheaper than Manzanilla so we'll see that by bus and then return here. After that we still may go to Panama by bus as we're very close. There's also a canal that goes North from Limon but it's an overnighter I think. It's supposed to be good for bird and wildlife watching and we had such good luck in Palo Verde it's worth the $.
We got new neighbours yesterday. They're two American girls and a guy. The couple is from Oregon and the girl is from Franklin N.C. They partied all night and kept us awake. A fellow from Spain approached them around 10:30 and asked them to tone it down and that nearly turned into a fistfight. By the time I got out there everyone had disappeared. This place pretty much shuts down by 10 when they turn off the porch lites but these inconsiderate idiots didn't get the picture. They should have gone to La Viejho where the lifestyle is more suitable for them. Rene our mngr/owner talked to them in the morning and looks like things are now in line. (Hopefully)
Well that's it for tonight.
LINK OF THE DAY http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=28405&l=328af&id=680056043
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