Sorry about the lack of up to date pics on facebook but the internet cafe was just too slow downloading. Hopefully we can find a hotel with internet so I can get the facebook caught up.
We caught a bus this morning at 8 a.m. to take us into the Cabo Blanco game reserve about a 1/2 hour ride from Montezuma. It was a bumpy logging type road going in but very picturesque and fairly cool considering what was yet to come. Upon arriving at the park headquarters we paid $10 each and were given a map with two choices. One was a circle 2 hour hike through the lower dryland forest and the other being a 5 hour hike to the Playa Blanco beach (2 1/2 hours each way.) We elected to take the long, more arduous route. It was easy going for the first 45 minutes which was part of the shorter hike but after that it became steeper both up and down and quite a bit hotter even though we were shaded by the canopy. Most of the trail consisted of walking down washed out creek beds. My knee started to give out after about an hour of going downhill. This hasn't happened since hunting years ago and even though I could hear the breakers once again there was still another half a mile to go downhill to get there. I thought rather than chance it I'd start back up at a slow pace and Jo continued on down to the beach with the camera. I made it to a small creek we'd crossed earlier and stopped to wash out my shirt and cool myself down. I perspire a lot normally but this hike had me watering down the trail! The camera, just prior to handing it off to Jo, was acting out of character and it was because it had become drenched with sweat and I'd been carrying it in my hand. I couldn't put it in the fanny pack as it too was wet inside. Fortunately we'd taken a lot of water with us. I need more than Jo who perspires very little so I drank most of it.
I got back to the trailhead just as Jo caught up to me. There was a shower there which felt like heaven! We sat on a bench to cool down and drank two bottles of gator aide which they sold at the reception. We hadn't seen one animal which was the reason for being there. The hike/bus ride starts too late in the morning to be of any practical value as far as seeing any wildlife however the fauna is very interesting going from lower dryland forest to tropical rainforest.
Just prior to leaving on the bus which came back at 3:30 to pick us up a family of white faced monkeys showed up. One was packing a very small baby. Just as I began taking pictures we heard the horn to leave. Too bad. We saw more action right at the trail head than we'd seen in 5 hours of walking.
Well it was an experience and a helluva workout!
Next stop a 7:45 bus to Paquera to catch the ferry to Jaco and then another bus to head South on the mainland to Manuel Antonio which is the largest and best game reserve in C.R. We hope to make it there by tonight so we have Sat. and Sunday to explore as the park is closed on Mondays. Looking forward to a day to let my knee rest up and a ferry ride which will be our first time on the water down here.
LINK OF THE DAY http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=28365&l=8f1ab&id=680056043
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