Posting a little later today as I've been really floored with something! Been sleeping steady for the whole day. Tomorrows will be late as it will take me a day to make it up
Wow 15 days later and a pile of pictures and experiences under our belt. The best thing about this extended trip is that we're in no hurry to get anywhere! This morning after breakfast across the street at Onda Latina (where they had no eggs so we had a fruit dish) we caught the bus to a nearby town called Samara. It's only about a 15 minute ride but goes right past the beach. Looking out at the creek and mangroves as we crossed over the bridge I spotted a large crocodile.
We arrived in Samara and went straight to the bank. It's a cute little village and the bank was a dream after the one in Coco Beach. Same security guards, one in and one out. I was asked to open my fanny pack which I carry my camera in to show them I wasn't about to clean the place out. With what they're money's worth I'd need a semi to haul the bills away. I showed my passport and gave the girl my master card and told her what I needed and voila I got the money w/ no problem. I had to sign for it in three places and tell her the name of the place we're staying at but that was it. We were able to buy a bottle of tequila for $14 which probably tastes like dieseline but the good stuff was $70 U.S. That's a helluva difference between the good and the bad!
We caught the next bus back along with a lady from Nicaragua who had been of some help in the bank and had been on the bus coming into town. After stashing the C.R. money which was around $500,000 colones we went over for lunch. Have you ever walked around with that much money? I felt like a millionaire! Figured it was better to keep it in a hidden pocket in my fanny pack than to leave it in the room as this place doesn't appear to be high on security and even I could pick the lock. I feel a lot safer here though than in San Jose or Playa Coco.
When we arrived at the beach we walked down to where the bridge was and I'd seen the croc. Sure enough there it was. I was about to say "what a beauty she is" like the Aussi guy when I noticed it didn't have a head! I guess someone had decapitated it figuring to stuff the head or sell the skull. You have to remember this is third world and the people make their money any way they can. One thing I have noticed down here is that there are no beggars, or guys beating on you to buy something! This is great when you can lay on the beach unmolested.
We spent about 3 hours playing in the surf and then started back down the beach when we came across a couple from Edmonton with a chocolate lab. This dog was 14 months old and huge! They were throwing a large stick out into the surf and "Hank" was retrieving it. Seeing him barging through the large breakers was something to behold! When he got to shore due to the undertow he paddled as hard as he could until the next breaker gave him a boost to shore. He did this continuously. It's a wonder he didn't have a heart attack. The owners said that Air Canada wanted $2400 to bring him down one way! They said the hell with that and drove their motor home to L.A. and flew from there. The cost for the dog? $100! It's beyond me how A/C stays in business.
Supper was again at the Onda Latino where we had a half a chicken each, cervasas, salad, avocado, fried plantain, and the everpresent beans and rice. Jo had a vanilla cream pie but she'll walk that off in a heartbeat carrying two backpacks while I take pictures.
Our taxi driver is picking us up at 11 a.m. tomorrow morning to take us to Jim and Patty's house where we'll stay for a couple of days. They have wireless internet so I can stay on line. After that it's farther south to ????
I was on Castanet tonight and saw the temp in Kelowna. Sorry folks. If anyone reads this tomorrow would you please let me know if Katherine and Dave have had the baby yet? Thanks
Hasta Luego
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